Kariya Delegation Part 1: Canada Day

Kariya Delegation Part 1: Canada Day

I need to backtrack a few weeks because I’ve been slow getting new entries up. Canada Day weekend was one of the most memorable weekends I’ve had in a while. The delegation from Kariya was here visiting, so I was able to attend a lot of events this year since it was a stat holiday. The weather has been gorgeous since the end of June, so we were lucky we had many hours of sunshine everyday.

The delegates were scheduled to arrive on Wednesday, which was two days before Canada Day. There would be a small reception at city hall upon their arrival. I already knew I wouldn’t make it, since they were suppose to arrive before 5pm. However, when I drove by city hall on the way to the library, I noticed all the host families still standing outside waiting for the bus. So I quickly parked and walked over and made it just in time to see the bus pulling up. It was great meeting all the delegates for the first time. Everyone was really tired after the long flight, but they were still in good spirits after making it to Mississauga. 

On Thursday there was an official opening exhibit at the Bradley Museum. The show was especially curated to celebrate the 30 years of friendship between Kariya and Mississauga. All the delegates were invited to attend. The show wasn’t until later in the evening, so I made it there with plenty of time to spare after leaving work. I think I might have missed the memo, because all the host families were wearing their happi coats and I was in a dress. LOL. The exhibit itself was lovely, as was the opening speeches. There was an official gift exchange as well as a presentation of a cheque made by the Museums of Mississauga towards the Japan Disaster Relief. It was a great evening for everyone who attended.

MFA Delegation 2011

Friday was Canada Day. I tend to dread spending the day at City Hall simply because of the crowds and the lack of parking, so I got there super early to avoid all the chaos. It turns out I went there too early, because no one was there yet. LOL. After wandering around for an hour, I finally met up with the delegates and MFA members and headed over to the Glass Pavillion for the Official Ceremony Reception. This was probably a perk for being with the group, because we got to sit in the VIP area away from the crowds. =)

The reception started at noon and there was a frenzy when the Mayor arrived. Everyone went up to shake her hand and to take photos with her. It was a great moment for all the delegate to meet our Mayor. (Remember, she’s 90 and has been Mayor for 32 years.) After an hour of relaxing, our group then proceeded towards the patio, where the delegates were on standby for their performance in the afternoon. 

MFA Delegation 2011

The official ceremony started at 1pm. The Mayor and city councillors walked on stage to welcome everyone to the new Celebration Square. After all the official greetings, it was finally time for the delegates to head up. Nonoyama-san would be giving a kendo demonstration with members of the local Mississauga club, while the rest of the delegates would be performing a dance routine. Everyone was a little nervous prior to the performance, but no one noticed it in the audience because they were absolutely amazing.

MFA Delegation 2011

MFA Delegation 2011

MFA Delegation 2011
At this point in time I got stuck photographing the performace below the stage with FOUR cameras hanging off of me. (My own and three others.) I had to keep rotating the cameras on my arm, making sure I didn’t drop any in the process. It was a painful job, but I guess someone had to do it. =P
It must have been a relief for everyone after the performance. The hard work was already done! Everyone went their separate ways to enjoy the rest of Canada Day. I stayed behind to have lunch with Stephanie, her friend and her delegate, Takako. It was getting busier in the afternoon, so I decided to head out early since I had to come back later for the fireworks.

I went back to city hall around 8:30 PM. I made sure not to park my car ANYWHERE near the Celebration Square, so I ended up parked at my friend Lisa’s apartment, then walked over. It was a smart move since the square was completely packed. After we managed to navigate across the sea of people, I was delighted that I had my VIP pass with me, which allowed me access to the patio. It was great because there was free food AND seats! I saw a couple host families who returned with their delegates to watch the fireworks. It was my first time seeing the fireworks at city hall and I was pleasantly surprised. What a great way to end the night.

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