Back to Happier Times

Back to Happier Times


My heart goes out to everyone in Japan right now. It’s horrible witnessing the devastation bought on by the earthquake and tsunami. I hope that’s the worst of it. I can’t imagine how much more they can take if anything goes wrong with the nuclear reactor.

On another note, it’s such a relief knowing my friends are safe. I would have been frantic without frequent updates from them. Gary also sent through an email yesterday letting us know that everyone in Kariya was alright. I just hope Yoko-san can get in contact with her daughter soon.

As dismal as the situation may be now, I know everyone is doing their part to help in the relief efforts. I really hope Japan will be able to bounce back from this. Sendai in particular holds a special place in my heart, as it was the first city I ever visited in Japan. I’d like to think that the next time I go back, it will be as lively and carefree as I remembered it to be.



We are thinking of you Japan! 頑張れ!

4 thoughts on “Back to Happier Times

  1. Hi Jenny,
    It’s good to be back here in your blog. I’m trying to live life back to normal despite what happened and still happening now. I hope and pray that everything will come back to normal again.

    Are Yuka-san, Junko-san, Masako-san, Mimi-san and Paul doing alright in Tokyo? I hope they were not hurt in the quake.

    I didn’t know that you went to Sendai. When did you go there?

  2. Hi Frannie, good to hear that things are going back to normal. Was there as much disturbance in Nagano as there is in Tokyo? I know everyone is still worried about the nuclear reactor.

    I’ve heard from everyone and they are okay. Thank goodness!

    The first time I went to Japan I did a tour to Nikko, Sendai and Matsushima Bay. That was the reason why I kept coming back to Japan. It was my graduation trip, so it’s been about 4 years already. Good memories. =)

  3. We are very lucky to be spared from the devastation of the earthquake and tsunami. Everything in Nagano was well except for some casualties in the mountainous village of Sakae. Our electricity, water and gas supplies were not cut-off, which is a major relief. There was a report of panic-buying in our town two days ago but I haven’t been to the supermarket since Friday so I don’t know if there are still supplies available.

    It’s good to know everyone is safe. We’re still praying that the problems in the nuclear power plant be solved immediately. I trust the government that they’re doing everything they can to keep the public safe.

    What a nice graduation gift for yourself! I remember seeing a HnA episode in Nikko.
    I love the cranes in the last picture.

    1. I’m glad you are okay. Junko was telling me how there’s a bit of a panic in Tokyo. She said that milk, bread and toilet paper are out of stock. I hope the situation doesn’t worsen. There’s enough to worry about without listening to the excessive hype brought out by the media.

      There was a HnA episode on Nikko? I’m so out of the loop with their shows. I’ll have to look it up. =)

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