Arriving in Kariya

Arriving in Kariya

It’s been almost two weeks since I’ve been back. I was very fortunate this time that I didn’t experience any jetlag coming home. I think my body is used to traveling halfway across the world by now. Hehe. I’ve also had time to go through all my photos, so I figured I should get going with the rest of my journal entries.


Thursday morning we started off at the airport. About half of us were late due to the traffic on the 427, but we all made it with lots of time to spare. The airport was unusually quiet that morning, so everyone grabbed breakfast, picked up a few last minute gifts, then made our way over for boarding. The flight was surprisingly empty, so everyone had lots of leg room. The extra space made the 13hrs fly by really quickly. When we landed in Tokyo, we saw something we didn’t expect to see – SNOW!

We had a couple hours of stopover in Narita. We sorted through some luggage problems then finally got on our flight to Nagoya. It was dark outside and looked a little slippery on the runway. I was so exhausted by the time I got to my seat I didn’t really pay attention to the announcements. Our flight was delayed by almost an hour, but I was out like a light by the time we took off.

After waking up for the landing, the excitement started to build when we arrived in Nagoya. It was pretty late already, but we had a warm welcome by several KIFA members. Everyone loaded onto the bus and we drove off to the Kariya Cultural Center. Although it was dark out, I was staring out the window the entire bus ride. It was neat seeing the city for the first time.

After making it to the cultural center, everyone gathered around for introductions with our host families. I was introduced to my host mom, Yoko-san. There were lots of hugs and greetings all around the room. Most of us were getting tired by then (I, on the other hand, was hungry), so we said goodnight and left with our host families.

Yoko-san and I somehow managed to squeeze my two heavy suitcases into her tiny car. We drove off for her house and chatted along the way. When we arrived, I was introduced to her husband, Shoichi-san, then I was led to my room with the cutest futon mattress ever. I was starving by that time, so we chatted out by the kotatsu while I munched on sandwiches. I have very vague memories of what happened during the first night, but I think I somehow managed to take a shower in the freezer. I swear there were icicles in my hair when I got out! Then it was off to bed to wrap up my first night in Kariya.


Up next will be our trip to Nagoya and a walk out in Tokoname. The tanuki and beaver had absolutely nothing to do with this entry. I just didn’t take any photos the first night. =P

2 thoughts on “Arriving in Kariya

  1. Ah… no jetlag. Sounds wonderful. Any secrets? It’s funny that in Sapporo the kotatsu is becoming less a feature of life, just because most newer houses are actually quite warm due to all the heating (I love in-floor heating). At least you didn’t end up falling asleep under it.

    Nice graphic btw….

    1. No jetlag, but I was tired pretty much everyday while we were out. We had a really full schedule, so usually by the afternoon was I ready for a nap. =P

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